Author: thebestpopular_admin

If you remember a few weeks ago I mentioned I was blogging over at Musings by Candace Jean. Well if you missed it, don’t worry. I’m posting it here today! The first thing I think of when I hear the word vacation is packing. We can get so caught up trying to fit the comforts of our life into a small bag and checking those lists to make sure everything is accounted for. Though we might remember to pack those extra underwear, there’s one thing that usually gets over looked when it comes to packing and that is your purse.…

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It’s happened to us plenty of times. We have the best vacation planned and have a schedule of exactly what we’re going to do when all of a sudden it starts raining! But do we let that stop us from having fun? No! We pull out our backup plan so we can still make the most of our vacation! Here are a few things you could do if you run into weather trouble. Play Board Games – Taking some playing cards or a travel board game can save the family fun.  Even better?  Take a game that takes long or can…

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Diamonds play a chief function in present-day subculture as tokens of love and romance. Having made their way as much as the floor from the core of the earth, the maximum of the diamonds today are millions of years old! Throughout records, they have captivated the minds and fantasies of many. They have been first linked with betrothals and eternal love when the Austrian Archduke Maximilian gave his bride-to-be a diamond inside the fifteenth century. Since then, their rarity, durability, beauty, and value have made them the most sought-after stone inside the international. It’s only natural that stone so wealthy with…

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